Thursday 6 February 2014

Tech Quiz !!!

Dear engineers, check how strong you are in your basics of electronics. The questions are given in a quiz form. So check how strong you are.
  1. In a transistor when base-width decreases with increasing collector to base voltage, this phenomenon is called
    1. Early Effect
    2. Thermal Runaway
    3. Tunneling
    4. Pinch-off
  2. The bridge used for measurement of inductance is
    1. Wheatstone Bridge
    2. Kelvin Double Bridge
    3. Anderson Bridge
    4. Schering Bridge
  3. The type of transmission used for sound in TV transmission is
    1. AM
    2. FM
    3. PCM
    4. PWM
  4. The type of transmission used for television in India is
    1. DAB SC
    2. SSB
    3. VSB
    4. SSB-SC
  5. The memory unit using only gates is
    1. ROM
    2. RAM
    3. Core
    4. Disk
  6. Most commonly used materials as photo cathode for the photoelectric emission are
    1. Barium and Calcium
    2. Cesium and Ribidium
    3. Arsenic and Boron
    4. Thorium and Tungsten
  7. In every practical oscillator the loop gain is
    1. Slightly larger than unity
    2. Slightly larger than ten
    3. Infinity
    4. Zero
  8. A series capacitance used in a filter circuit represents
    1. Low-Pass
    2. Band-Pass
    3. High-Pass
    4. None
  9. Clipper circuits are used to obtain any one of the following waveforms
    1. Sharper
    2. Rectified
    3. Fast Rising
    4. Smaller Amplitude
  10. Plasma is
    1. A medium dominated by helium
    2. A solid dielectric material
    3. A gaseous medium
    4. A ray of electrons
  11. Which is most commonly used transmission-line with television system?
    1. Twin-lead
    2. Open-wire with ceramic supports
    3. Coaxial Cable
    4. None of these
  12. Video signals have a frequency range that is spread over approximately
    1. 9 Octaves
    2. 18 Octaves
    3. 4 Octaves
    4. None of these
  13. Where is brightness control located in a TV?
    1. Audio Section
    2. Video Section
    3. Grid-cathode circuit of picture tube
    4. None of these
  14. LED is
    1. A PN junction which emits light when current passes in the forward direction
    2. A gaseous discharge glow devices
    3. Photo cell device which emits light
    4. None of the above
  15. The oscillator that has the best frequency stability is
    1. Crystal Oscillator
    2. Hartley Oscillator
    3. Colpitt's
    4. Tuned Collector Oscillator

Answers: 1) a 2) c 3)b 4)c 5)b 6)c 7) a 8)c 9) d 10)c 11) c 12) c 13) a 14) a 15) a

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